My method for learning Norwegian
- I learn Norwegian in Norwegian:
I use learning materials written in Norwegian.
I don't use learning materials written in other languages.
I don't use Norwegian-OtherLanguage dictionaries.
I don't use OtherLanguage-Norwegian dictionaries.
I don't translate Norwegian into other languages.
I don't read about Norwegian in other languages.
- I use no dictionaries.
I don't even use Norwegian-Norwegian dictionaries.
I figure out the meaning of words from the context.
I notice similarities between Norwegian, German, and English words.
I know English very well and I know German well enough to read German books.
As I learn Norwegian, I find both English and German very useful.
These three languages have much in common and I find it easy
to spot similarities between them.
- I make no kind of notes.
I keep everything in my head.
I do not store my knowledge in any external medium.
In particular, I don't use the computer program SuperMemo
to help me remember words.
- I absorb Norwegian sentences with full attention.
I read a lot in Norwegian - and very carefully.
As I read, I pay attention to every detail.
I often read one sentence several times.
I analyze sentences. I look for patterns.
- I refrain from producing my own sentences.
During the first stage of my learning, I don't produce my own sentences.
Instead, I patiently absorb thousands of correct sentences.
By reading and listening, without speaking and without writing.
At some point I will start producing my own sentences.
I patiently wait for the time when I know enough about Norwegian
to build only correct sentences from the beginning of my active usage.
- I learn on my own. I have no teacher.
I don't feel the need to have anyone supervise my progress.
I can see that I make progress by the simple observation that
I understand things which I haven't understood before.
Since I don't produce my own sentences, I don't need anyone to correct them.
And when I start producing my own sentences,
I will make sure that they are correct.
They will be similar to sentences from books,
so I won't need a teacher to correct them.
- My method is stress-free.
For me learning Norwegian is fun, comfort and relaxation.
I don't worry about the words that I don't understand.
I will understand them later. I don't try to memorize words -
they are coming into my head without my effort.
I worry about nothing. There is no effort in my method.
Learning Norwegian is a pleasant way of spending my time.
Why I learn Norwegian only in Norwegian
If I allowed myself to use other languages,
my mind would be disrupted - distracted from being immersed in Norwegian.
I don't know how important this state of mind is for effective learning,
but it is my guess and my bold hypothesis that this special state
of being immersed in Norwegian
is more important than looking up words in a Norwegian-English dictionary.
I believe in the power of being entirely focused on Norwegian.
My beliefs aside, I don't have any good reasons for not using Polish or English
materials for learning Norwegian.
I simply like this experiment. I like learning Norwegian in Norwegian only.
I enjoy it and this is my final answer why I do it like this.
First report